NILAI, August 4th, 2023 – The #SayangUSIM campaign was launched at the staff monthly assembly with the Vice Chancellor as an initiative to strengthen the sense of love for the institution.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ts. Dato’ Dr. Sharifudin Md Shaarani stated that the campaign, which has been rebranded from the #iLoveUSIM campaign, aims to encourage participation and active involvement from university members and cultivate a sense of unity and pride as members of USIM. This, in turn, can motivate students, staff, and USIM alumni to fully contribute to the university’s development and excellence.

Furthermore, he emphasized that this is also in line with the slogan “USIM Cemerlang, USIM Disayang,” where every USIM citizen is expected to love USIM and strive to provide the best commitment, aligning with the application of the five professional cores outlined: Professional, Efficient, Alamiyyah (Global), Trustworthy and Consensus.

In conjunction with Malaysia’s Independence Day on 31 August, alongside the campaign launch, USIM introduced the Independence Month Celebration. With the theme “Malaysia Madani: Tekad Perpaduan, Penuhi Harapan,” various captivating activities are planned, including a photography competition, poetry writing competition, TikTok Competition, poster competition, Merdeka Buskin, Negeri Sembilan Independence Parade, Independence Talk, Yasin Reading Ceremony, Friday Sermon Special Edition, and Merdeka Penalty Soccer Tournament.


Prepared by:
Noorumaina Mohamed Yunus
Pusat Komunikasi Strategik (StraComm)
Aras 1, Canselori Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai Negeri Sembilan