NILAI, 27 November 2017 – Prof Dr Roshada Hashim, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), merupakan satu-satunya tokoh wanita Malaysia yang menerima penganugerahan “Prof. Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders” oleh World Education Congress dan yang berlangsung pada 23 November di Taj Lands End, Mumbai.

Prof. Dr Roshada, 57, antara 50 penerima anugerah tersebut atas pencapaiannya yang menyerlah di bidang penyelidikan “Post Graduates in History and Management” serta pengalamannya lebih 5 tahun.

Anak kelahiran Pulau Pinang ini memiliki Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) dari University of Salford dan berpengalaman dalam bidang akademik hampir 3 dekad begitu komited dalam pembangunan mampan akuakultur untuk petani berskala kecil dan sederhana di negara-negara membangun.

“Penghargaan diberikan atas pencapaian luar biasa yang ditonjolkan meliputi kriteria “Strategic Prespective”, “Future Orientation”,”Track Record”, Integrity and Ethics”, “Ability for Sustainability Education”, “Evaluation Approach,” ucap satu kenyataan.

Dalam sumbangan lain, beliau cenderung terlibat dalam bidang kepakaran nutrisi ikan, strategi dan pengurusan pemakanan dan biokimia analitikal (Fish Nutrition; Feeding Strategies and Management; Analytical Biochemistry) kerap menerima jemputan untuk menberikan ucapan dasar di persidangan tempatan dan antarabangsa hasil daripada penyelidikan yang dijalankan.

Beliau juga telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 50 kertas kerja dalam jurnal tinjauan semula setara dalam bidang nutrisi ikan kawasan dan pengurusan pemakanan malah beliau turut membentangkan lebih 30 kertas kerja di persidangan tempatan serta antarabangsa dalam bidang yang sama.

Kredibilitinya juga terserlah apabila pernah diberi kepercayaan menerajui dua pembangunan iaitu Pelan Strategik 10 Tahun untuk Pendidikan Siswazah di USM (2010) dan Pengantarabangsaan di USIM (2013). Penglibatan beliau sebagai Pengerusi Penganjur Persidangan Universiti Negara Islam Dunia (World Islamic Countries Universities Summit, WICULS) bermula tahun lepas dan pada 14 November tahun lalu mendorongnya untuk lebih komited membawa perubahan kepada landskap Pendidikan Tinggi khususnya dalam dunia Islam.

Antara kebanyakan penerima bagi anugerah ini adalah dari India, Egypt, Sri Lanka dan South Africa.



Prof. Indira J. Parikh is the President of Antardisha. Antardisha is a private entity creating a space for individuals, collectivities, organizations and institutions to have a dialogue to discover themselves, to review their past, to reflect on the present Here And Now, and renew themselves for the future. Prof. Parikh is the Founder President of FLAME Pune. She has been involved in creating the academic vision of holistic and Liberal Education and shaping FLAME. She has also conceptualized the thresholds of Life, Life Space, Life Roles and Identity. Her focus is on transformation and lifelong learning, development and growth.

Prof. Parikh has done M.Ed from University of Rochester, New York USA and the Doctorate from Gujarat University. She was a faculty at IIM-Ahmedabad for over 30 years and Dean from 2002 to 2005. She has taught at INSEAD, Fontainebleau (France) and Texas A&M University. She has specialized in organization development and design, and institution building. She has been a consultant and conducted diagnostic studies for organizations and conducted leadership and institution building programs in public sector, private sector and multinational organizations. Professor Parikh is on several boards of companies as an independent director.

Prof. Parikh has been honored with several life time achievement awards both nationally and internationally. She has written numerous articles published in National & International Journals and is the co-author/ author of several books. Her lifelong journey has been in education and people transformation in organizations.


The World Education Congress will be a rendezvous, in which participants will discuss “Evolving Trends in Education”. The congress will examine modern as well as traditional knowledge system. The Congress will further explore how education can help develop mental, emotional and physical skills to help facilitate personal excellence as well as psychological and Socio – economic wellbeing, in the challenging times the world faces today. Besides networking opportunities, the conference offers unique in-depth approaches to understanding important academic issues that affect an Institution’s viability in today’s fast-paced business environment.

To influence the evolving culture of education and educational pedagogy, with the objective of deep systemic change.
To build on a vision and strategies for Higher Education Institutes.
To Provide exposure to latest education tools, technologies and Solutions.
To encourage collaboration and partnership among Institutions.

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