NILAI, October 1,  2018 –  The Minister of Higher Education has agreed to appoint Dato’ Prof. Dr Siddiq Fadzil as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors for Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Dato’ Prof. Dr Siddiq Fadzil , the current recipient of the National Level Maal Hijrah Icon ( Tokoh Maal Hijrah) for 1440H/2018 who is appointed for three years effective 1st October 2018 to 30th September 2021. Being the fourth Chairman of USIM Board of Directors since the university was established, Dato’ Prof. Dr Siddiq Fadzil replaces Tan Sri Dato’ Professor Emeritus Dzulkifli Abdul Razak who ended his tenure on 30th September 2018.

He holds a Ph.D. in Malay Culture and Islamic Philosophy, M.Litt. (Master of Writings) in Islamic Thinking from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and a Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies from University of Malaya.

Dato ‘Professor Dr Siddiq Fadzil, currently is the President of the Dar al-Khaah College. He is also the Chairman of the Majlis Istisyari Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia   (WADAH) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Darul Ehsan (IDE). In addition, he also holds the position of Chairman of the IDE Maqasid Shariah Research Center IDE and Chairman of the Academy of Islamic Studies (AKK) and also appointed as Adjuct Professor at Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL).

In academia, he has served as a lecturer at UKM since 1974 until 2001. He has been actively involved in da’wah activities since his studies at the university. He once led the National Islamic Students Association (PKPIM) ​​and the Varsity Muslim Students Association (PMIUM). He then led the Malaysian Islamic Youth Forces (ABIM) as the third President from 1983-1991. Also, a former President of the Malaysian Intelligence Contingents (WADAH) 2005-2015. Dato ‘Dr Siddiq was the Academic Fellow and Leader of the Panel of Authors of the Tauhidik Management and Islamic Management books: Appreciating the Qur’ami Values ​​(YaPEIM). Currently, he is still actively involved in da’wah activities, as well as writing and delivering academic lectures, especially in Islamic thoughts, Malay civilization, Islamic education and Islamic Management.

He has produced various writings, particularly in the areas of Islamic thoughts and knowledge, history and culture of Malay Muslim. Among his works are: Sejarah Orang Cina di Tanah Melayu; Kebangkitan Umat: Kenyataan dan Harapan; Di Bawah Naungan al-Quran; Mengangkat Martabat Umat; Minda Melayu Baru; Perspektif Qur’ani: Siri Wacana Tematik; Pemerkasaan Bangsa: Peranan Kepimpinan, Agama dan Budaya, Pendidikan al-Hikmah dan Misi Pencerahan I & II; Islam dan Melayu dan Pembinaan Bangsa: Kepelbagaian Dalam Bingkai Kesatuan

The University wishes to congratulate Dato ‘Professor Dr Siddiq Fadzil on his appointment as Chairman of the USIM BOD and believes that his leadership and extensive experience will be able to drive the university as a global reference center for the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge. Heartiest gratitude and thank you to Tan Sri Dato ‘Professor Emeritus Dzulkifli Abdul Razak for his contributions and services to the University while serving.