BANDAR ENSTEK, January 22, 2018 – Professor Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Chairperson of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) who is the Founding Convener of Sejahtera Leadership Initiative (SLI) was invited by Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) as the lead speaker of AKEPT-YSP Phase 3 for 29 selected young scholars and educators from public universities all over Malaysia. This inspirational sejahtera leadership talk is a series of AKEPT training programs to develop and nurture Malaysia’s future higher education leadership talents.
Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli talked about the Sejahtera framework and its application within the macrocosmos of National Education Philosophy ((PPK), subsequently the Malaysian Education Blueprint (Higher Education) 2015-2025 and linking it to the United Nations’ (UN) 30-year Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He reinforced upon the young scholars and university educators that the microcosmos of NEP is ‘a balanced and harmonious individual’ in developing and sustaining leadership excellence. In fact, the focus of an education philosophy is a quest for real truth.
The young scholars and educators connected well with the conceptual framework of Sejahtera Leadership and see its power in helping them to face and solve their complex career progression problems and challenges. In responding to questions, Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli share experiences of his young days as educators and the practical application of wisdom leadership when he was USM Vice Chancellor for more than a decade.
The engaging and stimulating debates between the young scholars and educators face-to-face with Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli were an opportunity to reflect reality on sejahtera, creativity and innovation. The frank hard talk and spheres of sharing their inspiring insights and experience that could shape a creative future for up-coming university leaders.It cemented a bridge of generational gaps between a Baby Bloomers and the GenY.
The Program Manager, Assoc Prof Dr. Ong Boon Hong who is the Deputy Director, Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Center (NANOCAT) at University of Malaya was impressed with the candid interaction between Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli with the young scholars, university educators and researchers. He hopes more open, frank hard talk between the best-of-the-best leaders with young educators must be organized regularly.
Prepared by :
Dr. Zulkifly Baharom
CEO Sejahtera Leadership Initiative