NILAI, May 4, 2018 – Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, SLI Founding Convener who is Chairperson of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) had set aside first thing on Friday morning to hear a debriefing from SLI Associate Director, Mr. Yazdi Jehangir Bankwala who’s Principal Consultant & COO of Arpitha Associates India, Malaysia & Singapore regarding the encouraging outcome of Sejahtera Seminar that he and Associate Prof Dr. Cordelia Mason, Director WEASIA/Corporate Planning, UniKL facilitated in Jakarta on April 23. Mr. Yazdi was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sejahtera concept is very well accepted by the 150 Insurance companies’ CEOs and Directors under MAREIN as the Indonesian way of life and philosophy of living.
This is clearly evident in Indonesia that Sejahtera reaffirms the sacred relationship between humans and the gods; also between and among fellow humans; and that of humans with nature or the natural ecosystem. There are ample manifestation of commonalities. As such, Professor Tan Sri Dzul rightly pointed out that “Expectations are running high Sejahtera outcomes will lead a process of sustainable development goals and eventual wellbeing of humanities for lasting peace.
“These high expectations come after a series of researching, writing, presenting and facilitating and Sejahtera Leadership programs. High expectations are a good indicator, but they also raise the prospect of dashed hopes that could throw our scorecard off track. Why, then, are expectations so high? Yes, several things have come together to raise public expectations.Sejahtera concept is regarded as vital for the purposes of maintaining a harmonious balance within the larger societal framework as its primary thrust. This is done by sustaining the (micro) balance between each of the 10 elements that make-up Sejahtera as summed up by the acronym SPICES – spiritual, physico-psychological, intellectual, cognitive, cultural, ecological, ethical, emotional, economocs, and societal.”
Professor Tan Sri Dzul went on to state that “The heart of performance, of course, is not about expectations, but results. It is about ensuring that Sejahtera thrives as nutured by SLI and its champions. To move Sejahtera process forward, SLI meetings, programs and projects must produce results that meets the competing needs of the various parties. The results, however, do not have to be immediate and they may require a series of meetings, seminars and events to produce results. So, I am looking forward to attend another significant event, the SLI Team Operations Review Meeting (STORM) scheduled Sunday May 13.”
At the finale of this debriefing session, SLI Founding Convener had graciously witnessed Dr. Nuradli Ridzuan Shah Mohd Dali, a senior lecturer at USIM Faculty of Economics and Muamalat presented a collection of books on Islamic Finance & Wealth Management to CEO Dr. Zul who is concurrently serving the World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME) based in San Marino as its Ambassador in Malaysia. These books published by USIM Press are indeed unique because the integration between Naqli and Aqli in entrepreneurship study that contribute to the development of Shariah-based business discipline.
Since its inception in 2010, WUSME based in San Marino has been pursuing an important and compelling goal: to be referent Organization in support of SMEs and Crafts worldwide, offering significant opportunities for their growth. During the eight years of its bold existence, WUSME has become a well-established and recognized Global SMEs Organization, constantly undertaking numerous beneficial projects and initiatives, entering into cooperation agreements with major SME Associations in Asia, Africa, European Union and Latin America. Some highly important steps taken by WUSME include its recognition as a Partnering Organization with United Nations Global Compact and the acquisition of the Special Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Dr. Zul is interested to introduce and showcase to WUSME & its affiliates ‘Islamic Entrepreneurship’ book that was collaboratively edited by Dr. Nuradli and team: Associate Prof Dr. Jamal Abdul Nassir Shaari & Dr. Asmaddy Haris. He prayed this book could become an important reference for WUSME members who are interested to learn about Banking & Muamalat (Islamic Business). WUSME Magazine and Newsletter are published in English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Prepared by :
Dr. Zulkifly Baharom
CEO Sejahtera Leadership Initiative