Fashion is synonymous with modern society for both men and women. According to the fourth edition of the language hall dictionary, fashion is a style of wearing, a behaviour that is a favourite and followed by the crowd, especially among women; it also changes with the passage of time. It is widely accepted that fashion has a significant impact on an individual’s lifestyle, both positively and negatively. These days, one can choose from a wide variety of fashion trends. Nonetheless, some clothing violates Islamic law and does not conceal the aura. This is problematic since Islamic law mandates covering some bodily parts. Thus, this article explores women’s fashion from an Islamic perspective and what types of clothing are acceptable in Islam.
Islamic fashion should be suited for the occasion and location, as well as in accordance with the requirement to cover the aurat. Since it is human nature to assess a person’s personality and individuality through their clothing, Islam does not forbid its citizens from being stylish. The issue, though, is that women are now so preoccupied with beauty that they overlook the syariah-recommended standards of attire. Although Islamic law does not prohibit women from accessorising, it does advise them not to go beyond and draw undue attention from others, particularly outside of their country. In order to sustain the primary goal of clothing and uphold one’s dignity, being stylish has its limitations as well.
In fashion, women should emphasise the main requirements of Muslim women’s clothing. Among them is clothing that covers the aurat and does not reveal the jewellery except what is usually visible from it (mahram). Similarly, in the hadith of Ibn Mas’ud RA, the Prophet SAW said:
المَرْأَةُ عَوْرَةٌ، فَإِذَا خَرَجَتْ اسْتَشْرَفَهَا الشَّيْطَان
This means:
“A woman is auratic; when she leaves the house, the devil will glorify her.”. At-Tirmidhi (HR. The hadith makes clear that women who cover their auras project a positive image of a true Muslim, are praised by all communities, and are even discouraged from engaging in immoral behaviour. Furthermore, because the colours and patterns aren’t overly striking, nobody will notice them or make fun of them. It is advised for women to cover up their attractiveness in order to keep men from noticing them. However, the clothing is still forbidden if the wearer finds it very seductive and attracts foreign males in an inappropriate way. Additionally, wear clothing that is not overly scant but still reveals the physique. According to a hadith recounted by Abu Hurairah RA, the Prophet SAW stated that “he has never seen two categories of people in hell: those who dress sparingly and those who are seen by others. They were beaten by a group of people who carried whips similar to cowtails. Furthermore, the ladies who are dressed but not clothed sway back and forth, and their hair is arranged in buns like the uneven humps of camels. Although the aroma of heaven can be detected from a vast distance, they will not be allowed to enter Paradise or enjoy its fragrance.”
Next, refrain from donning perfumes and stay away from wearing scents that are too potent for the nose. This is so that men who kiss a woman will not be harmed by the scent of her clothing and perfume. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, is said to have said the following by Abu Musa Al-Ash’ary Radhiyallahu:
أَيُّمَا امْرَأَةٍ اسْتَعْطَرَتْ فَمَرَّتْ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لِيَجِدُوا مِنْ رِيحِهَا فَهِيَ زَانِيَة
It means:
“Anyone from the women who wears perfume, then passes by a person and smells its scent, then he is an adulterer.” (HR. An-Nasa’i). Next, clothing that does not resemble men’s clothing, nor does it resemble the clothing of unbelievers or fasiq women, and does not wear syuhrah clothing (clothing intended to show off). These are the primary requirements for Muslim women’s attire, so how do women who want to be fashionable at the same time not violate Islamic law? They need to be warned not to wear fashion that shows the shape of the body, wear a hijab that shows the neck, a hijab that does not cover the chest, show the wrists, and don’t forget to wear socks. Nonetheless, women today believe that in order to be seen and noticed, they must flash their privates. Due to the fact that wearing a hijab looks sloppy and does not follow current trends, ladies who wear them are stylish since they expose their peers’ chests. The most prominent example that we can find on social media is a woman who used to cover up her aurat to the exact hem of her dress. Her sincere goal was to remain invisible to those around her, but she was willing to change into a dress that did not adhere to syariah because of the influence of negative fashion. Even the hood is shortened and the shirt is tightened for the reason of wanting to be fashionable.
Unquestionably, a person’s personality and image are reflected in their sense of style. Life is improved by an aura that is alert and projects a lovely and courteous picture. An individual’s professional and personal lives might be impacted by their appearance. Our family’s image is influenced by what we present to the outside world. An individual’s look can also have an impact on his job by boosting other people’s faith in him. Either positively or negatively, a person’s attire conveys their personality, and companies assess their staff based on a variety of factors, including attire. A person who possesses these qualities, confident speech, well-groomed appearance, social graces, and professionalism also has a definite life goal and consistently applies what they have learned. The selection of colours for clothing influences both academic achievement and positive motivation. Therefore, being fashionable has a positive effect on human behaviour. According to Islamic Shari’a, being fashionable can increase women’s self-confidence and promote the development of healthy ehavior. In human psychology, it is important to pursue a good life. It is the ability to form a valued identity. Allah S.W.T. said that the best clothes for women are pious clothes. According to Tobari, this concept of dressing includes faith, charity, shyness, fear of Allah SWT, and good morals. Therefore, it can prevent women from committing immoral acts. This ensures that women are always safe when they leave the house by keeping their clothes in accordance with Islamic law and not intended to attract men, nor does it give the public an opportunity to see her beauty. Thus, it is evident that clothing in accordance with Islamic law can help women retain a strong spiritual life in addition to making them fashionable and ensuring that they remember to take care of their intimate areas.
In conclusion, Islam does not forbid women from being stylish, as long as they do not transgress social norms. This rule is in line with the innate tendencies of beautiful women. Islam has also offered the best direction and style guidelines. Therefore, in addition to being trendy, women should remember their identity as authentic Muslims and conduct thorough analysis before implementing the Islamic clothing ethics laid forth in order to avoid transgressing Islamic Sharia and harming human nature.